Experience the cuteness in your everyday life through Attends.
Derived from the French word meaning 'wait a moment', Attends unfolds from
'finding inspiration in the cute things encountered in everyday life'.
What cuteness have you experienced today?
Starting with the thought 'simply passing by a dog, a walking baby was cute', Attends asks how to create even more perfect cuteness by adding something of its own to the object or thing that felt cute. Thus, our Attends creates cuteness for cuteness by questioning how to provide even more perfect cuteness when adding something of its own to the object or thing that felt cute.
Therefore, Attends presents to you an infinite array of items, rather than simply treating them as ordinary fashion accessories.
Cuteness for Cuteness, Attends.
Business Registration No. 427 42 00660
Attends KR Offline Shop
201 , 7 , Daesagwanro 19Gil , Yongsangu , Seoul ,Korea
Mon ~ Sat 13:00 ~ 20:00
AttendsKR CS